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Kool-Aid Kid

Writer's picture: Alltold StaffAlltold Staff

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain."-Vivian Greene

Hannah Scott is a sophomore attending Mishawaka High School. She was born and raised here in Mishawaka. Thus far Hannah’s high school experience has been, “Quite interesting, that's for sure. But I’m happy with my experience so far.” She believes that to have Cavemen Spirit you should “support the school and get involved. Also, maybe wear the school colors once and awhile.” In school, Hannah is a very hardworking and ambitious student and participates in various activities inside and outside of school. She joined the swim team for the first time this fall. Since the season just began, there isn’t much to say about it; however, she is enjoying the experience so far. During her freshmen year, she participated in the school’s dance team and was on the JV squad. “We spent hours rehearsing our competition routine at the Battell Center,” she said. For that season, the JV squad went to state and came in fifth.

Hannah says that the coolest thing about her is that her feet are “insanely flexible,” which comes in handy for her ballet classes. Hannah has taken a ballet class for the past four years.

In five years, Hannah hopes to be in college and working hard towards her goals. Her dream jobs include choreographer/dancer or a profiler working with the FBI.

Aside from all of Hannah’s athletics, she also enjoys reading, writing, and doing art. When she isn’t busy, she enjoys sketching random things in her sketchbook or doing watercolor painting.

Hannah has had many teachers over the years, but one certain teacher had a bigger impact than the rest; her teacher is Mrs. Brock. “She has always pushed me to be the best I can be,” she says, “and [Mrs. Brock] inspires me even today with how successful she is in her own life.” Another person that has a large impact on Hannah is her cousin Emma, as she is the one person Hannah can turn to for anything.

We all learn very important lessons during our lifetime, and Hannah is no exception. Her lesson is one that many people can surely learn from: “Don't be afraid to be yourself, don't be afraid of being bold, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes because there's plenty of time to learn from them.”

As for her legacy, Hannah wants to leave behind the “sense that [she] accomplished something and changed people’s lives.”

As many of us do, Hannah as bucket-list filled with many life changing adventures. She hopes to “Skydive, cliff dive (recreationally), surf, go on a really crazy coaster, fall in love, change someone's life, try new things, and step out of [her] comfort zone.”

Hannah is very amiable and an amazing student and may she have the best of luck in her years at the high school and in her future.

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