Madison Anderson is a sophomore at Mishawaka High School. So far, she has enjoyed her high school experience. With the help of her amazing friends and boyfriend, she feels very supported and is encouraged to do her personal best everyday! She is a very dedicated member of the MHS dance team by participating in the Friday night football games and competitions. Aside from dancing, she lifeguards for the school during the school year and for Merrifield Pool during the summer.
In five years, Madison hopes to see herself in college learning new information about her future career, which is yet to be determined; however, she would love to be an art teacher or massage therapist. As of right now, Madison is working towards her goals by working hard in all her classes and participating in all classroom activities, “I like to talk a lot so the teachers always find I participate a lot,” she says. When it comes to MHS Cavemen Spirit, Madison believes that students should attend school events, at home or away, and express school pride. She also believes that students should always have the “right attitude and participate in themes.”
When asked what teacher had a huge impact on her, Madison’s response was a lab teacher she had in elementary school. “[He] taught me the basic lessons of life,” she said, “I had a split family who never taught me [the lessons he taught me].” It is always good to know that when we are away from our family, we can have a teacher that we can count on! As for role model, Madison’s is her father. “I look up to [him] because he is so relatable and is very wise and [he] just gets me through a lot.”
The most important life lesson that Madison has learned is “to listen to the ones who care and don't let something temporary make something permanent.” She hopes that people will remember her as a mentor or role model and someone who inspired someone to do something great. Madison is an amazing and positive person that everyone should get to know and with her words of wisdom, she can certainly make that legacy a reality.
The Alltold staff wishes Madison the best of luck in her next three years here at Mishawaka High School!