The Mishawaka Dance Team has begun their annual competition season. After halftime performances on the field during football season, the Mishawaka Dance Team (MDT) has worked long and hard in preparation for the beginning of the competition season. Every year, this dynamic and powerful group of girls puts in an extraordinary amount of work in perfecting their moves. This Saturday, December 10, after much anticipation and excitement, the MDT girls are finally getting their chance to perform their newest routine.
Every year, the Indiana High School Dance Team Association (or IHSDTA) hosts an annual invitation at Marian High School - a competition that acts as most local groups’ first of the year. The competition begins with dance solos, followed by ensembles, poms, hip-hop, and ending with jazz. The Mishawaka Dance Team girls, who perform in the poms portion of the competition, are reportedly incredibly excited to perform. Sophomore Olivia Bayless, a member of the Varsity squad, commented: “We have an amazing team this year, and we all get along so well. We work hard and are all such great dancers! I[…]couldn’t ask for a better team!”
The Mishawaka Dance Team invites anyone and everyone to come enjoy their performance this Saturday. While the competition begins at eight, the MDT girls take the floor at 12:49 p.m. If you’re interested in supporting the Mishawaka Dance Team, or if you’re looking for free entertainment this Saturday morning or afternoon, be sure to head over to Marian High School! Look out for more information about the results of our dance team, or about their next competition on January 19, all here on the MHS Alltold!