Mayor Dave Wood’s Youth Advisory Council has begun its compassionate work within the Mishawaka community, beginning with its annual food drive.
Every year, a group of sophomores, juniors, and seniors from Marian, Mishawaka, and Penn High Schools are invited by Mayor Dave Wood to be a part of something truly incredible - a service-based group that directly benefits the citizens of Mishawaka, the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council (or MYAC, for short). While this may sound like the local chapters of National Honor Society, and while it certainly is not a far reach to compare the two, the highlight of the MYAC is that its primary purpose is to give back to Mishawaka in any way possible, and the Mayor’s networking certainly helps! For the fall, this means organizing a food drive that aims to donate 70 Thanksgiving dinners to Mishawaka families in need.
The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council is not solely dedicated to service, however. It also provides a space where the council is able to learn how Mishawaka truly works. This is done by visiting a number of locations throughout the city, where the council is presented an opportunity to learn more about the history and identity of the buildings that have (or perhaps haven’t) always been a part of their lives. For example, for their first field trip, the group was able to visit the newly renovated Battell Center, where they were met by a few guests who gave them further insight on the Mishawaka Parks Department and on the Battell Center itself.
Finally, once all is said and done, and once the council is given a chance to explore and indulge in the many different aspects of Mishawaka that make the city whole, youth council members are given a chance to hold their on a Mock Council meeting (mirroring the likes of Mishawaka’s own City Council).
All-in-all, this opportunity to actively play a role in the development and processes of Mishawaka is the chance of a lifetime, and is a strong way to become a part of the bigger picture. The Alltold congratulates the sixteen sophomores, juniors, and seniors from Mishawaka High who were honored with this opportunity this school year!